Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Making It Up . . . As I Go Along

What a great work of fiction to discuss! There are so many angles to take; time, place, narrator, etc. Personally, I think we should describe the character with which we identify the most -- and why? I was going to go with Chloe, but then she turned up so anal, so I ditched that one. Back to the drawing board!

In case anyone hasn't gotten the book yet, it turns out you can't get it in the stores yet (the paperback isn't out yet, and the hardback isn't stocked), so to the library it is. Most of the TC libraries have a copy, so just check to see if it is checked out at either The St. Paul Public Library System, or the Minneapolis Library System. I don't think either library will hold it for you, since it is so new, but first come, first serve. . .


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