The Book Club Blog

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

In honor of one full year of book clubbing, let us take a moment to reflect back on the books we have read together. Go to these surveys to make your opinion heard! There are comment sections for each book, so feel free to rant and rave all you want. I'll bring the results to a future meeting to share.

There are two surveys because stupid Survey Monkey wouldn't let me ask more than 10 questions without signing up for a subscription! So don't forget to take both.

Click Here to take survey

Click Here to take survey

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Quote in word-a-day

It seems to me that our three basic needs for food and security and love
are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of
one without the others. -M.F.K. (Mary Frances Kennedy) Fisher, writer

November: The Book Thief

There is no excuse for missing November's b0ok club, including a stolen book.

Host: TBA

October: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

October's Book Club Assignment:

. . . one of Anne Fadiman's finest. And I say that haven't read none of her other books. ;)

Karen is hosting, thanks Karen!